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Week One - In the Books

Hannah Youngblood

What a week it has been!

I'm so overwhelmed with thankfulness right now. One week ago today I posted that I officially launched my little flower business, and I never would have guessed it would take off so quickly. I am incredibly grateful for the love everyone has shown me. I hope that y'all know how much I appreciate every follow, like and repost. Those are vital to a small business, and I could not do what I am doing without your help, so thank you – y'all rock!

A year ago I was dreaming about how cool it would be to start my own floral design business, but I was [super] afraid of even taking the first step to make that happen. I didn't have the first clue how to start a business. In fact, I changed my major my sophomore year at Baylor from pre-business to film and digital media because, 1. It was super hard. 2. I wasn't all that interested. So, when I would dream about all this, I would just imagine it failing big time. [Let's all pray it doesn't!]

So what happened?

Six months ago life circumstances changed and I was put in a position where I could either mope around all the time or I could make things happen. I chose the latter – not to say I didn't do my fair share of sulking. I had to become bold, which was never one of my strong suits. But, as I became bold in one area of my life, it gave me the confidence to become more resolute in other areas – thus the determination to start my own business. All of this came about through a lot of prayer and conversations with the wonderful people in my life. God gave me the confidence to do something that scared me a whole lot – honestly, it still scares me but I trust that He will make all things work out for His glory and I'm good with that. :)


"But I trust in your unfailing love; my heart rejoices in your salvation.

I will sing the Lord’s praise, for he has been good to me." Psalm 13:5-6


In closing, I want to thank some people who have been patient with me and indescribably helpful to me in this whole start-up process.

  • My parents – they're rock stars, an incredible support system and hilarious. You should all get to know them.

  • My brother Aaron and sister-in-law Rose – they have taken all sort of pictures for my website and stood in as [excellent] models.

  • Kendall Larson, who made my logo – she is a wonderful friend and an incredible graphic designer. She once made me a Parks and Rec shirt that was impeccable.

  • Jennifer Smith at Unearthed Photography, who took pictures of me for my website. That wasn't an easy task, as I am the world’s worst model. She is remarkably talented, and I would highly recommend her!

  • My sweet friend Jilanne who has handwriting like an angel and writes cards for the arrangements I make. She has listened to me [a lot] and is so generous with her time.

  • The Berk Fam – coming to a new group and feeling so welcomed gave me the boldness to create Oso Pretty Things. Conversations I had during our Wednesday nights together made me think that I could do this.

  • My friend Jennifer and her family – she has encouraged me so well. She and her family take such good care of me, and I am so thankful for them.

  • My bff Hannah [yes, we have the same name] – she has kept me laughing since 2004. Thanks, buddy.

That list could go on for a very long time, and I'm sure there are people I left off. So, THANK Y'ALL. ALL Y'ALL. It has been a really fun first week for Oso Pretty Things. My prayer is that I could be used to bring joy to people's lives through this business. Life is hard sometimes, and we need reminders that there are people who love us dearly. I love, so much, how flowers can do just that.

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